...making Linux just a little more fun!
Sayamindu is a member of The Answer Gang.
I am currently in class XII (the final year of high school).
I began my journey into Linuxland in mid 2000.
The first distro I tried was Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 - and in the process I
nearly killed myself. I am quite settled now with Mandrake 8.2, though I
plan to try out Debian again soon.
I have worked in some Linux related projects, and I have also written a
LDP miniHOWTO on PCTel linmodems. I also infest a number of Linux-related
mailing list, and occasionally, I have been spotted in the
various comp.os.linux.* newsgroups. I'm also actively involved in my
local LUG activies.
I also try to write Linux advocacy articles on magazines, journals, etc,
whenever possible. I am also interested in Linux localisation and
When I'm not Linuxing, I usually design websites, and code in PHP.
I am an editor in dmoz.org and
I also happen to be the admin for a human rights and environmental
issues related site at
and the webmaster for my LUG www.ilug-cal.org.
I recognise that there's a life outside computers, and when I'm not
poking my keyboard, I usually spend some time with my cat, or prepare
for my exams, or read books.
And if you are interested, I'm also a member of
Mensa International
I'm a school student from Kolkata, India.