# # $Id: vogel.procmailrc.txt,v 2002/08/14 22:28:22 dan Exp $ # $Source: /home/cvs/lg/www/issue81/misc/tips/vogel.procmailrc.txt,v $ # # NAME: # $HOME/.procmailrc # # DESCRIPTION: # "procmail" handles local mail delivery, and you can use this file # to tell it to # - store your mail in a given folder, # - forward or discard mail depending on the contents, or # - run your mail through a program automatically. # # TESTING CHANGES: # If you want to mess with your setup, the safest way is: # # 1. copy an existing mail message to /tmp/msg, # 2. copy $HOME/.procmailrc to $HOME/.procmailrc.new, # 3. only make your changes to $HOME/.procmailrc.new, and # 4. run "procmail -m $HOME/.procmailrc.new < /tmp/msg" to test. # # AUTHOR: # Karl Vogel # Sumaria Systems, Inc. # Search path. PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:$HOME/bin # Default mail folder. DEFAULT=/var/mail/vogelke # Current directory while procmail is executing. # All pathnames are relative to this directory. MAILDIR=$HOME/mail # File containing error messages or diagnostics. If this # file does not exist, then said messages will be bounced # back to the message sender. LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/MAILLOG # If yes, keep an abstract of the From and Subject lines of # each delivered message, the folder it was delivered to, # and the size of the message. If no, skip this abstract. LOGABSTRACT=yes # If on, describe actions of procmail in detail. #VERBOSE=on # Number of seconds before procmail zaps a lockfile by force. LOCKTIMEOUT=1 # Default shell and umask value. SHELL=/bin/sh UMASK=022 # Frequently-used variables. WEEK="`/bin/date +%Yw%W`" # Rules section. #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # RULE: Save a copy of all incoming headers in a file called # $HOME/mail/HEADERS.YYYYwNN # where YYYY = year # NN = the week number starting on Monday. :0 chw: $HOME/hdr.lck | /bin/cat - >> $HOME/mail/HEADERS.$WEEK; #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # RULE: Check if the Message-ID: header has been seen. # Discard the message if so, otherwise continue. :0 Wh: msgid.lock | formail -D 65536 msgid.cache #==================================================================== # SPAM: dump message if the message contains a few 8-bit characters. # Simple check for encoded characters (=[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]) # will fail for messages containing "dd xxx=yyy" commands. # # If you want to check the header only, use ":0 HD" instead. ### This has 8-bit characters, so I uuencoded it. begin 644 8bit-rule M"CHP($A"1`HJ("TQ,%XQ(%-U8FIE8W0Z"BH@("`Q7C$@/5LP+3E!+49=6S`M M.4$M1ET]6S`M.4$M1EU;,"TY02U&70HJ("`@,5XQ(%N@H:*CI*6FIZBIJJNL MK:ZOL+&RL[2UMK>XN;J[O+V^OUT**B`@(#%>,2!;P,'"P\3%QL?(R;GZ.GJZ^SM[N_P M\?+S]/7V]_CY^OO\_?[_70HJ("`@,5XQ(#U;02U&75LP+3E!+49=/5M!+49= 46S`M.4$M1ET*