Host #(your gateway) port 1022 User your_NAME # Copmression if your line is slow Compression yes CompressionLevel 6 # for remote X-clients (you get the window) ForwardX11 yes # LocalForward is equivalent to "-L" for testing # forwarding connections to gateway port 8143 to any mailhost outside # you will have to change the mailer-setup (convenience problem) # but then why not use the ssh tunnel from the hotel too? LocalForward 8143 # If you want to send mail to a different mailrelay # dont worry trying this one, relaying is diabled :-) # should be the default mail gateway for LocalForward 8025 # forwarding another ssh (direct one from lap to one_specific_place) # you connect from lap with ssh -p 8022 gateway # and you actually reach target port 22 LocalForward 8022 # this allows other computers to access the tunneled ports. # this is important as you would have to run ssh from the gateway to # someplace outside. Then you connect from the laptop to gateway:8143 # for the imapserver mentioned above # with "GatewayPorts no" the lap would be refused # EVERY other LAN computer can do the same as you then (mail # authentification of course has still to take place) GatewayPorts yes